Saturday, February 2, 2008

Money Solves All That Ails Education

I am dancing for the state. I am paying out a big chunk of my income and I am not saving anything and actually dipping into my savings to pay for everything. In the end, it will all be ok. I will get a huge raise because I will move two columns over on the salary scale. I can save next year if I make it. I have completed course 7 of 9. It was the most difficult of the courses I have taken and yet somehow the easiest. It was brought up to me that I care way too much about these classes. So much for the mantra B is good enough for me. I earned 97% in my latest course. I got a D on a quiz and lost 4 points, the only points I lost in the course.

I really worked hard on the assignments for the course. I should have known better. I put a lot of effort into the first assignment and saw some quality projects done by others. I struggled with the second major assignment. I did the best I could was frustrated with it and turned it in. I got a perfect score on it. I was shocked. The next assignment was so vague it was not even funny. The instructor gave us models to use and they were all different. I did not know what direction to go in. I synthesized and added more to it. I would say I spent a good 10 solid hours on it. Of course, I spent more on it but I am easily distracted and that does not count. I looked at what others submitted and I was horribly disappointed. I felt they turned in crap but based on the comments from the instructor; I felt they earned great grades on them. My project was at least 33% larger than the others. I was done with the course. I stressed myself and have been dealing with acid reflux all week and a stiff neck. I did the math and if I did ok on the last quiz I could not do the final paper and still get a B in the course. Unfortunately, all coursework is required.

I did the paper. It was not very good. I did not put any effort into it. I got an A. It is a joke. Ok, I put in some effort. It was not my A game. I supposed I could have earned a B on it. I am just paying through the nose for my credential. I only have $2400 more to go. I will have April – July to save a little money. It will not be enough. Summer school here I come! Give me your paycheck and send me on my merry way.

I do not even know the names of the courses I am taking. I just know the numbers.

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